A Very Potter Musical Review

Monday, September 21, 2009 , Posted by Should I See It at 3:44 AM

Show: A Very Potter Musical
Presented by: TeamStarKid
Directed by: Matt Lang
Starring: Darren Criss, Joey Richter, Bonnie Gruesen, Jaime-Lynn Beatty, Lauren Lopez, Joe Walker.
Plot: Combining the best bits of JK Rowling's books, Harry Potter sets off to Hogwarts for a music filled adventure!

Harry Potter loves Ginny Weasley, his Firebolt and…… Zac Efron?

Yes, you read correctly, ZAC EFRON.

Well that’s according to A Very Potter Musical, a deliciously warm musical parody of the world’s favourite boy wizard that’s setting YouTube ablaze.

The musical, written, directed and starring students and recent graduates of the University of Michigan combines the best parts of the seven novels by JK Rowling to create nearly three hours of music filled magical mayhem.

The songs by AJ Holmes and Darren Criss are incredibly catchy. The opening number, 'Goin’ Back to Hogwarts', filled with witty lines like "No way this year anyone’s gonna die", is a light rock style tune imbedded deep within musical theatre tradition, reminiscent of 'Good Morning Baltimore' from Hairspray or 'Twenty Million People' from My Favourite Year. The big Act 2 ballad 'Not Alone', while played for laughs, accurately reflects themes of love and friendship from the books. And all that is missing from the 11 o'clock number 'Voldemort is Going Down' is a big flag to make it a true parody of Les Miserables.

Lauren Lopez as Draco Malfoy

The script by Matt Lang, Nick Lang and Brian Holden is remarkably clever and also incredibly skillful. They have expertly slimmed down the seven novels into one cohesive and, most importantly, entertaining story! They also delivered some great lines: "Oh My God, Hermione! Shut Up!" being one of my particular favourites! There are so many great lines that if I tried to list them all I would end up writing out half the show!

The direction (something that has been overlooked in the praise of the show) is also very good. Matt Lang navigates the material with confidence. There is a scrappiness to this production that makes it endearing. While taking on the beloved series would seem like a challenge to some, this production is happy not to take itself too seriously.

However, what really brings this show to life is the incredibly talented cast. They are all clearly excited and passionate about their show. They all ‘get’ the humour and know exactly what kind of show they are putting on.

Joey Richter (Ron), Darren Criss (Harry) and Bonnie Gruesen (Hermione).

Darren Criss, Joey Richter and Bonnie Gruesen as Harry, Ron and Hermione have a chemistry and a believability that is surprisingly missing from their cinematic counterparts. Ironically, I never noticed how weak the chemistry was between Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson until I saw Criss, Ritcher and Gruesen’s performances. Criss is particularly appealing as Harry. They also fit the roles better physically: Harry actually has messy black hair, Ron is actually tall, and Hermione has bushy hair.

There seems to be a lot of fan love for Lauren Lopez (Draco Malfoy) and Joseph Walker (a very buff Lord Voldermort), and deservedly so (they are both hilarious), but my personal favourites are Tyler Brunsman as Cedric Diggory (sincere apologies to the Robert Pattinson fan girls, but this guy is loads better) and Lily Marks as a scene stealing Molly Weasley.

Though, I feel it is unfair to single out any of the performers. There is not a weak link in the bunch. It truly is an ensemble production. Everyone seems to be having a great time and their energy spills over onto the audience.

Joe Walker as Lord Voldemort

As goofy and screwball as the musical is, there are moments of seriousness that show just how talented the cast is. Several times during the show I closed my eyes and hoped that the upcoming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows film would deal with certain plot points half as well as A Very Potter Musical did (the aftermath of Ron’s encounter with the Horcrux being one of them). Actually, the people a Warner Brothers could learn a thing or two from the StarKid team about how to condense a book and still have a cohesive story. The also could learn how to intergrate Ginny Weasley into the plot without having a totally whatthe? moment! (For more details, please see my rant on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince).

I can't help but compare A Very Potter Musical to the Lynn Ahrens/ Stephen Flaherty musical Lucky Stiff. They both share the same kind of wacky humour, with characters being thrust into increasingly ridiculous situations that make perfect sense in the world of the show, they both have witty lyrics that you can listen to over and over again and, most importantly, tunes that are memorable.

I know that a Broadway (or Off-Broadway) transfer is impossible, but if my fantasy world were to become a reality and it dd transfer to Broadway: what musical number would they sing at the Tony Awards???

I can’t wait to see these guys in a Broadway show (obviously no AVPM). Or somebody give these kids a guest spot on GLEE, at the very least!

Should I See It?
Yes, especially if you are a fan of Harry Potter or musicals! Or both!

The cast of A Very Potter Musical.

Just be warned: make sure you have plenty of time to kill. The show is nearly three hours long. Remember to factor in time for YouTube to load.

View A Very Potter Musical here.

Download the soundtrack from here. Since you don’t have to pay for the soundtrack, remember to donate to StarKid so they can keep producing totally awesome stuff!)

Currently have 9 comments:

  1. SM says:

    Totally agreeing with you on this! I'm a fan of both Musicals and Harry Potter! After seeing AVPM the movies seem so lame and boring, and not funny. Like the books or the play. Haha, I absolutely love Malfoy, with him keep talking about Pigfarts over and over and even singing about it. The rolling around on floor was probably one of the most rememberable parts. Even the quote from Malfoy "I'm tired, can't we be death eaters!" or Voldemort's rant about quirrel's messy pile of clothes. "Muggles have their place, mudbloods have their place, and SO DO YOUR CLOTHES! Mainly a dresser." So funny. Quotes are easy to remember from it, due to the hilarity. I definetly agree if you like musicals, HP, both, or if your extremely bored and wanna see something new. Then you should see it!

  1. Alaska says:

    Absolutely agree on this! And, even more awesome, they fulfilled your prophecy of getting one of them on GLEE! =D I was like YUSSSS!!! when I saw Darren Criss as Blaine! Woot for AVPM&AVPS!

  1. The Infamous Hogwarts Jaguar says:

    I can't think of anything but Starid since I saw the first musical, and when I got to know that there was a sequel, I was like: WOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!??????? And then I watched it. And now I have watched all musicals.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Be on Glee? Why does that seem familiar? And right now I'm anxiously awaiting AVPSY's release on YouTube, true it only was preformed two days ago, and Liam can only edit the videos so fast, but I can't wait!!! By the way, this has restored my faith in rewiews of shows, I recently read one of Starship where they called Taz demure. It was just.... Anyways, I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY reccomend this show to anyone.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Haha... That ironic moment when you read this after Darren Criss has been both on Glee and on Broadway.

    But I definitely agree with your comment about the chemistry between the main three. The dynamic between Criss, Richter, and Gruesen is so much fun to watch. Though, I suppose the fact that this is a parody might make it easier for them to wheedle their way into our hearts. Nothing makes us more receptive than good comedy.

    Also, Lauren Lopez is phenomenal. Period. Exclamation mark.

  1. Anonymous says:

    All very talented people. I just wished they had kept Snape in character: sad but brave and SEXY! They completely ignored the most important drive of the original story, which is the Prince's Tale.

  1. Anonymous says:

    I love Harry Potter and AVPM sooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!
    I love the books but the films are just a tiny bit too silly. there are hardly any of the funny bits from the books so i love the hilarity of avpm. however, the thing about chemistry. yh maybe in avpm the relationship with hermione is more similar to the books but i seriously cannot get over the realtionship harry, ron and hermone have in the films. they really love each other and dan, emma and rupert rlly show that well :)

  1. Anonymous says:

    sorry i meant the films are a tiny bit too serious not too silly


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